Max Plays Dead – A Night of Grateful Dead Music

Built from a collection of Northern Colorado’s finest Grateful Dead tribute bands, “Max Plays Dead,” is always a night to remember.
Stu Crair and Dana Giove from the Great Dead Floyd deliver uncompromising depth and rhythm. On the keys, Chris Bell from Tumbledown Shack takes you on a creative and soulful journey. That leaves Max Mackey from Peak2Peak pushing the music into the stratosphere with swirling guitars and vocals.
The Riverside has several Deadheads in our venue family and are excited to bring you this first show of our 2025 Dead Night at The Riverside series. For many of us, the music of the Grateful Dead has been inspirational and even critical to our development as human beings. We have some amazing local and touring acts who are ready to rock your socks off at the coolest venue in Boulder!
Mark your calendars as these shows are not to be missed …..

International Day of Peace

Dear People of Boulder,
Calling all leaders, organizers, people who care about Peace and cooperation, and our future. We are putting together a beautiful event for the International Day of Peace on September 21 at the Boulder Bandshell 4-9pm and we request your attendance, participation, and presence.
The International day of Peace used to be celebrated in a much larger way before Covid in Boulder, but since Covid, many events, including Earth Day, that are like this, are not alive anymore in Boulder. Please help us spread the energy of helping Boulder come alive again with hope and cooperation and build for our future.
This event will have presenters, dance and music performances, a unified meditation and holding the intention for peace in our community and for the world, and Native American groups, ecstatic dancers, and everyone who can join us dancing together in unity for Peace as well.
Please let us know if you, want to be a presenter, a partner group, media partner, a dance group, a musical act, an artist, or please just come if you want to participate and contribute to the action and energy for peace.
You can see more details and the schedule at
Contact us if you want to be a presenter, dance group, spiritual group, peace, group, leader, meditation, volunteer, youth group, vendor, etc., texting or on the web link
Our partners and supporters include but are not limited to Riverside, The Coffee Stand, Peace on Earth by 2030 Game, Unify, Unify Boulder, Ministry Of Movement, Rocky Mountain Indigenous Dancers, Beyond Your Impossible, Mishika dancers, and more adding daily.
We will also be hosting an org leader meeting for deeper collaboration on Sept 11 at 5:30pm on the Riverside patio on the Creek. Please RSVP back to this email to attend that as well.
If you want to join our team or planning meetings, they are every Wednesday at 1:30pm at the Riverside. We hope to see you there! May Peace Prevail!